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Part II. Why It Is a Profitable Business.

Effectiveness of business activities carried out using own or leased special machinery is confirmed also by market analysis data.


And in the light of the latest global governmental decisions this business becomes especially attractive.

The matter is that starting from January 2020 unprecedented beneficial conditions are created for small and medium business in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and this business will become even more attractive.  Entrepreneurs will be exempted from income tax and inspections by regulatory authorities for three years. This is the first point.

Second – the government puts a priority on construction activities both in public and private sectors. It means that there will be constructed even more residential buildings, social facilities and roads. As a result demand for special machinery will increase.

Third – works of this type may be performed by anyone. As of today not only large or medium but also small business enterprises operate in construction, road construction, mining and oil and gas industries providing their equipment efficiently.  The most important thing is to purchase or lease equipment wisely.

Fourth – this is a profitable business. It is confirmed by the examples of the companies described above.

А) According to the data on expansion rate and development prospects the special machinery market tends to leave behind even such business areas as taxi and car sharing in terms of capitalization and demand behavior.   

Б) According to experts active entrepreneurs recoup the cost of one unit of special equipment in 2-3 years.

В) Market analysts have noted increase in demand for rental special machines among large companies, individual enterprises and individuals.

At the same time there is observed growing interest towards special machinery lease programs. From financial point of view it is much more profitable for companies, especially for small ones, than to purchase equipment.

Fifth – it must be noted that some support programs for entrepreneurs provide for state subsidies for leasing special machinery. For example Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund provides subsidized loans for purchase of equipment at the rate of 7%. To receive subsidies entrepreneurs need to submit and defend their business plan. After approval in many institutions support will be provided.     

Based on all this, we can confidently conclude that it is the right time and the right conditions to consider purchasing special equipment and starting own business. And it is not as difficult as it may seem at first sight.


In the final third part we will tell about step action plan for starting business connected with special machinery.