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BAUER and BMK: New Opportunities in the Sphere of Unconventional Extraction in Kazakhstan

BAUER company recognized as the leader in bridges and concrete piled structures construction progresses to a higher level. It not only continues to implement unique infrastructure projects all over the world, but also develops actively innovative minerals extraction methods. Last year the company came to mining industry with service offers for unconventional minerals extraction, and now this technology is used in Kazakhstan.  

BAUER company offers an innovative solution for development of deposits where vertical ore bodies occur and opens opportunities for minerals extraction without extensive earthmoving operations. This technology allows creation of vertical channels for extraction of chrome, coal, iron, diamonds and other minerals. This solution will be especially useful in challenging conditions where use of traditional digging methods and heavy-duty machines is not economically sound and ineffective.           

Recently Borusan Cat Kazakhstan and ERG Aluminiy Kazakhstana have launched joint pilot project at bauxite deposit. It is hard to use standard development methods at the open pit mine located at Krasnooktyabrskiy bauxite deposit: use of excavators and dump trucks requires significant amounts of resources and entails considerable costs. Unconventional extraction method has been used for the first time in Kazakhstan with BAUER equipment.       

BAUER equipment was tested at the deposit for two weeks, and preliminary results showed high cost efficiency. According to preliminary calculations even with small volumes the benefit from this technology was about 20-30%. The final report and data analysis for the project will be prepared in the coming months, and we can already say that this a promising technology able to open a new chapter in the country's mining industry. 

BAUER equipment is equipped with reliable Cat® engines delivering high performance and stability during heavy-duty operation. Partnership relations between BAUER and Borusan Cat Kazakhstan were established more than 20 years ago, and over this period our specialists completed training at the partner’s factory. Thanks to it they can provide high quality maintenance and repair services for BAUER units in Kazakhstan. This allows to receive maximum performance and provide support for the customers relying on BAUER equipment in challenging conditions.    

BAUER and Borusan Cat Kazakhstan are sure that unconventional minerals extraction method is an effective and promising extraction technology especially useful in challenging conditions. The pilot project launched in cooperations with ERG Aluminiy Kazakhstana demonstrates great opportunities for use of this technology and emphasizes the necessity of expanding cooperation in this sphere.